“As a clinician who has treated complex wounds of the lower extremity for 30 years, I have longed for the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues facing the same challenges in wound healing.” Dr. Frank J. Tursi
“I’m a member because only the APWCA has prioritized issues affecting the Wound Care advanced practitioner like MIPS and quality reporting.” Dr. Caroline E. Fife
Membership is open to physicians and allied medical specialists who are involved in treating patients with non-healing or complex wounds. These include: anesthesiologist/pain management, diabetologists/endocrinologists, general surgeons, infectious disease specialists, internists, wound care nurses, nutritionists, orthopedists, pedorthists, physical therapists, plastic surgeons, podiatrists, vascular surgeons, and all specialists involved in the management of wounds and the related complications.
The three credentialed member categories include Fellow, Diplomate, & Master - all of which have the following basic and essential requirements listed below.
- Maintaining state license to practice.
- Minimal of two years of experience providing wound care. This may include residency training for physicians.
- Obtaining the minimal requirement of 21 hours of continuing medical education in wound care every three years through educational programs provided by the APWCA or programs provided by other organizations that are approved for CME by the APWCA Scientific Committee
- Maintaining current status and staying current with annual membership fees (unless financial hardship and approved by the an APWCA Committee - all such matters are completely confidential).
Physician Member - $195
Non-Physician Member - $135
Fellow/Student/Resident - $25
Retired Member - $65
FELLOW (FAPWCA): Prescribing Physicians (MD, DO, DPM) certified in wound care. From the APWCA inception, April 1, 2001, the APWCA recognized Fellows only based on the following criteria: certified in wound care by an organization recognized by APWCA, practicing wound care for a minimum of 2 years, maintaining state licensure, paying annual membership dues, and obtaining wound care CME credit as required by APWCA.
DIPLOMATE (DAPWCA): Non-physician (i.e.; NP, RN, PT, etc) certified in wound care or a PhD involved in wound care related research.
MASTER (MAPWCA): The “Master” designation was initiated in 2010 and serves as a mechanism to recognize key opinion leaders who have impacted wound care through education, research and advocacy. These honorees are selected by an appointed APWCA committee and then approved by the Board of Directors.
The above are credentialed members and able to use the following designations after their degree with their signature, eg.: John Doe, MD, FAPWCA.
Benefits of membership are many and are available to all member categories. These include:
- Use of Professional Member Designations - FAPWCA, DAPWCA, MAPWCA
- Complimentary monthly subscription to Advances in Skin and Wound Care peer reviewed journal
- Weekly Wound Care Report eNewsletter - Keep up with latest wound care research, products, and industry news
- Access to wound care experts for clinical and reimbursement information - Medical Advisory Board
- Wound Care Government Representation/Wound Care Alliance Stakeholders
- Conference Discounts
- Professional Society Collaboration
Membership category does not affect the ability to participate with committees or be an officer in the organization. All members irrespective of membership category are treated equally within the APWCA. All have equal rights, privileges and opportunity to have input, serve on and chair committees or run for office. Name badges at our seminars reference APWCA attendees as "members" and do not differentiate category emphasizing the synergy encouraged between members in different disciplines and those of different "credentialed and academic" backgrounds.
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