Great News!!! CMS has issued a correction to the 2024 rates for outpatient hyperbaric oxygen therapy, reversing the 41.5% rate cut and increasing reimbursement from the 2023 rates. This would not have been possible without the advocacy of wound care providers, such as our APWCA members, as well as from the support of health care institutions, associations and stakeholders which included NetHealth, RestorixHealth, the Undersea & Hyperbaric Medical Society, The National Group, Epstiein Becker & Green, Healogics, the American Professional Wound Care Association, Dobson and Davanzo, The Alliance of Wound Care stakeholders, and the American Hospital Association. The CMS took extraordinary efforts to investigate this matter and to issue a correction prior to the end of the year.
The CY 2024 HBO2 APC rate is $132.21. The APC rate increased $7.14 or 5.7% over the current year 2023.
You can find the updated payment files here for OPPS and here for ASCs.

May this make your Holiday Season a little Merrier.