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  • 02/16/2017 4:52 PM | Anonymous

    The APWCA Board of Directors has reviewed the new NPUAP staging system. Additionally, we have reviewed responses from allied professional organizations, which have included commentary in support of as well as opposition to the new nomenclature presented by the NPUAP.  The Board applauds the dedication and the continued effort that the NPUAP has consistently delivered to enhance and promote the quality of care provided to patients with pressure ulcers.  The APWCA is confident that all issued statements and positions are well intended and primarily founded on patient centric motivations.  

    The APWCA is devoted to the best practice clinical algorithms, which include regulatory and policy guidance.  As an organization committed to evidence-based best practice, we recognize that clinical standards, policy and nomenclature will change over time. Evolution in medicine and wound healing is based on new evidenced-based science, novel technology and an improved understanding of wound healing physiology.  

    The APWCA is a membership-based organization with thousands of talented and skilled wound healing experts.  To issue a position statement without allowing our membership the opportunity for discussion and debate on this important topic would be inconsistent with the core principles of the APWCA.  As an organization, we plan to fully explore and deliberate the changes in the very near future.  Once we have accomplished our due diligence and allowed our membership to voice their opinions, we will join our colleagues and sister professional societies and issue a position statement. The APWCA will attempt to provide positive feedback and suggestions to improve and enhance the NPUAP staging system. In order to accomplish this goal, the APWCA Board of Directors will be sending a survey to all of the members to query your feedback on this important topic.

    Click here to view/download our full position statement.


    Steven J. Kavros, DPM, MAPWCA, FAACWS, CWSP
    American Professional Wound Care Association

  • 02/13/2017 10:48 AM | Anonymous

    American Professional Wound Care Association (APWCA) invites the submission of research abstracts for the 16th Annual APWCA National Clinical Conference, which will take place September 7-9, 2017 at the Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Philadelphia, PA.

    Submission Categories:

    • Wound Healing
    • Limb Salvage
    • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

    To submit an application or for additional information about abstract format and guidelines, visit http://www.apwca.org/2017-Abstracts

    The deadline for submission is Tuesday, August 1, 2017

    If you have questions about abstract submission, please contact APWCA at 337.541.2240 or abstracts@apwca.org

  • 12/06/2016 8:29 AM | Anonymous

    Congratulations to APWCA board member, Jeffery Lehrman, DPM, FASPS, FACFAS, MAPWCA, on being named a “Top Doctor” by a panel of physician peers in the current edition of MainLine Today Magazine.

    Read more: http://www.mainlinetoday.com/Main-Line-Today/December-2016/Top-Doctors-2016/ 

  • 10/27/2016 1:31 PM | Anonymous

    LAFAYETTE, LA — American Professional Wound Care Association (APWCA) Vice President, Jeffrey A. Niezgoda, MD, FACHM, MAPWCA, CHWS, recently presented wound care content at the New Cardiovascular Horizons (NCVH) California meeting on October 22.   The day-long meeting, entitled Changing Paradigms in Vascular and Venous Therapy: An Update on New Technology and Pharmacotherapy Options, was held at Gaia Hotel and Spa in Redding, California.  Dr. Niezgoda also served as moderator for the session.  

    The Essentials in Wound Care session was offered by NCVH in partnership with the APWCA.  Topics included Superficial Venous Disease and Diabetes and Its True Relationship to Peripheral Vascular Disorders.  Copies of the session content are available for viewing here.

  • 10/13/2016 4:09 PM | Anonymous
    LAFAYETTE, LA — American Professional Wound Care Association (APWCA) President, Steven J. Kavros, DPM, MAPWCA, FAACWS, CWSP, recently presented wound care content at the inaugural New Cardiovascular Horizons (NCVH) Minneapolis meeting on October 8. The day-long meeting, entitled Clinical Updates and Advances in Vascular Medicine, was held at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis. Dr. Kavros also served as moderator for the session.

    The session, entitled Essentials in Wound Care, was offered by NCVH in partnership with the APWCA and included Improving Wound Healing Outcomes Using Hypochlorous Solution as a Therapy, Hyperbaric Oxygen in the Outpatient Setting and Peripheral Arterial Disease and Chronic Venous Insufficiency Awareness: Essential to Healing Wounds.

    Copies of the session content are available for viewing here.

    About APWCA

    The American Professional Wound Care Association® (APWCA) is a non-profit medical association welcoming medical providers from all disciplines involved in prevention and treatment of difficult wounds. Through a synergy of disciplines, APWCA has been a worldwide leader in the prevention and treatment of acute and chronic wounds since 2001. This association provides an informational and educational forum for healthcare providers, while promoting excellence in wound care and patient advocacy. Learn more about APWCA at www.apwca.org.


  • 08/30/2016 8:10 AM | Anonymous

    LAFAYETTE, LA — Barbara Delmore, PhD, RN, CWCN, MAPWCA, IIWCC-NYU, was recently appointed to the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) Board of Directors.

    The NPUAP serves as the authoritative voice for improved patient outcomes in pressure injury prevention and treatment through public policy, education and research. Recent NPUAP achievements include the collaboration with the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP) and Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance (PPPIA) to develop a new pressure injury prevention and treatment clinical guideline. The intent of the collaboration is to advance international consensus in pressure injury prevention and management.

    In her new role, Dr. Delmore will be responsible for helping to develop policy and set organizational goals for the NPUAP. Dr. Delmore also currently serves as a board member of the American Professional Wound Care Association (APWCA), which will allow for synergies and a sharing of knowledge between the two organizations. “I am very excited about my future role in continuing to collaborate with and build connections between APWCA and the NPUAP,” states Delmore.  

    Dr. Delmore will begin her term in office January 2017. She is currently Senior Nurse Scientist at NYU Langone Medical Center.

    About APWCA

    The American Professional Wound Care Association® (APWCA) is a non-profit medical association welcoming medical providers from all disciplines involved in prevention and treatment of difficult wounds. Through a synergy of disciplines, APWCA has been a worldwide leader in the prevention and treatment of acute and chronic wounds since 2001. This association provides an informational and educational forum for healthcare providers, while promoting excellence in wound care and patient advocacy. Learn more about APWCA at www.apwca.org.

  • 05/12/2016 10:20 AM | Anonymous

    LAFAYETTE, LA — The American Professional Wound Care Association® (APWCA) recently announced newly-appointed leadership to its board of directors.  Steven J. Kavros, DPM, MAPWCA, FAACWS, CWSP, was appointed incoming APWCA President.  He will serve a three-year term and succeeds outgoing APWCA President, Thomas E. Serena, MD.

    A list of the 2016 APWCA Board of Directors follows:


    Steven J. Kavros, DPM, MAPWCA, FAACWS, CWSP
    Vascular Surgery Associates
    Blaine, MN
    Chief Medical Officer, Miromatrix Medical, Inc.
    Eden Prairie, MN

    Vice President:

    Jeffrey A. Niezgoda, MD, FACHM, MAPWCA, CHWS
    Greendale, WI


    Kathya Zinszer, DPM, MPH, FAPWCA
    Geisinger Medical Center
    Danville, PA


    Stephen H. Sprigle, PhD, PT, AAPWCA
    Georgia Institute of Technology
    Atlanta, GA


    Randall G. Cook, MD, FACS, FAPWCA
    Jackson Wound & Hyperbaric Medicine Center
    Montgomery, AL

    Barbara Delmore, PhD, RN, CWCN, MAPWCA, IIWCC-NYU
    NYU Langone Medical Center
    New York, NY

    Kevin R. Emmons, DrNP, RN, AGPCNP-BC, CWCN, DAPWCA
    Rutgers School of Nursing-Camden
    Medford, NJ

    Barry M. Fabius, MD, CMD, FACP
    United Healthcare Community Plan
    Newark, DE

    Caroline E. Fife, MD, CWS, FUHM, FAAFP, FACCWS
    St. Luke's Hospital
    Woodlands, TX
    Baylor College of Medicine
    Houston, TX

    Tyson Green, DPM, FACFAS
    Imperial Health - Center for Orthopaedics
    Lake Charles, LA

    Jeffrey D. Lehrman, DPM, FASPS, FACFAS, MAPWCA
    Foot and Ankle Specialists of Delaware County
    Springfield, PA

    Christine Shettel, RN, BSN, CHWS, MAPWCA, PWRC
    York, PA

    Director Emeritus:

    Federico Peguero, MD, MAPWCA
    Lower Bucks Hospital
    Bristol, PA

    “I am very pleased with the ‘blue-ribbon’ board that we have assembled to lead APWCA into the future.  Our goals and objectives for the organization will continue to strongly position APWCA as a leader in wound care education, advocacy and research.  This group brings tremendous experience, leadership and enthusiasm to APWCA and will have a positive impact on membership,” states Dr. Steven J. Kavros, incoming APWCA President.

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